Monday, 27 August 2012

Post-olympic stress disorder!

Greetings Armchair sports fans!

The absence of London 2012 has left many of us with a sporting vacuum that is near impossible to replace.

We all knew that it'd come to an end however much we wished it could just go on forever. But here we find ourselves over two weeks since the flame was extinguished struggling to find our place in the sporting world.

If you are starting to feel the same way as me then you could be suffering from POSD; post-Olympic stress disorder. And there are some tell-tell signs.

Do you find yourself inadvertently doing the mo-bot at the most inappropriate times? Growing your side-burns long? Wondering what Boris Johnson is doing day to day? Or perhaps you just miss the mannish looks of Claire Balding (probably not the last one?).

'Fancy a skinny dip?'

But don't fret as luckily we have the perfect anti-dote.

Should you be suffering POSD symptoms then don't consult your physician, take multiple liberal doses of the Premier league to cure all your ailments!

Funny how it takes an event such as London 2012 to distract us from the new football season, something we are usually counting down to from the end of May or whenever England are knocked our from bi-annual international tournaments.

We even had the pleasure of a 3 week European championship to tide us through the summer this time and yet still the new season and all it entails hasn't captivated us like so many before.

Perhaps its due to the phenomenal end from the last one, maybe it just cannot get better than what has gone before?

Alas just like and old flame that drifts back into your life almost unannounced - so to can our love of football be instantly rekindled. The first blow of the whistle, a swerving 30-yarder, the clumsy late challenge, a goalkeeping howler and my personal fave a bit of side-line managerial red mist!

'The Premiership is back you blind muppet!'

If you haven't yet caught the fever of this current football season its probably stands to reason that you're either anti-football or possibly a Villa fan? Or even more likely both as the current Aston Villa squad stands.

Of all the managers on the merry-go-round this summer Paul Lambert seemingly got off at the wrong time or perhaps got so dizzy he lost his bearings? Even a fit Darren Bent can't tuck them away if the rest of the team can't get the ball up to him?

Another manager leaving a fluid, organised and polished team to greener (perhaps) pasture is Brendan Rodgers. Naturally the lure of the Kop makes a bit more sense this time but having seen his old mob win the first 2, score 8 and concede 0 and look downright Barcelona-esq in the process he to might be thinking he's got the rough end of the stick?

Let's all cool our collective heels, its still early doors but if I were Lambert or Hughes at the moment I'd be getting a little nervous already.

Moving on from managers...but still on the subject of moving - what of the personnel changes within the league. Van Persie, Sigurdsson, Rodwell, Podolski? Forget all of them for the moment as within the space of 3 games Eden Hazard has shown why he was coveted by so many.

All the sceptics wheeled out the same arguements before the season began; the French league isn't as strong, he's not big enough for the Premiership, tricky quick footed players get found out soon enough...humble pie the lot of you!

If the bloke can get El Nino scoring goals (albeit offside ones) then surely he's got to have some future.

'This league is easy Nando - don't see what all the fuss is?'

Di Matteo must be pinching himself before he goes to sleep at night. FA Cup and Champions League winners after only months in charge, top of the league, a squad full of stars and possibly a mickey-mouse European Super Cup to come?

We'll no doubt take a little look at the Paralympics in our own backyard but football will be tough to knock off the back pages, unless any more of the Royal family decide to get their kit off and jump in the pool. And let's face it...if it's anyone other that Kate or Pippa then I'd still rather watch the footy!

Goodnight sports fans!


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