Poor old Andy Murray, today even ardent BNP supporters were lamenting over his distrught face all over the papers.
Until now he's never been the most popular of sporting characters knocking around but it's amazing what being a perenial loser can do for you. Just ask Henman or that other tall lanky fella who also commentates for the Beeb.
Let's not be too harsh on the lad, after all it ain't his fault that he's very good at something at the same time a few others are better and one in particular is simply out of this world!
We all hoped that this year would be his year, his best chance at winning the big one but someone forgot to tell Roger that part of the script. Andy has the all-round game, the grit and plucky determination but yet when the big moments arrive he's still as flaky as an Arbroath smoky!
Don't worry mate there's always next year???
There's no shame in losing to Federer, surely the greatest player to ever grace the court. And you can't be angry at him for being that good even if he does play with that irritating easy nature that gets under your skin, like Spanish football. He's also a seemingly nice bloke, wife and kids, good looks...what a shite!
He even had the audacity to assure Murray that one grand slam will be his...that's providing neither he nor Nadal or Djokovich decide they'd like a few more shiny things above their fireplace. No doubt Murray will believe it, he has no choice about that. However I'm beginning to feel that 'our Andy' (that's his name now by the way) might just end up trawling the same route to punditry that's befallen those before him.
Then again I can't see that happening either as Murray hasn't shown us any personality to suggest putting his grumpy mug of the telly would be about as clever as his drop shot. But it ain't all bad, eh? He'll earn a few quid knocking about the circuit for the next decade and after that coaching the next generation of Wimbledon blubbers.
Sure he ain't won squat but he's young, a decent player to be fair, the nation off his back and a fit young thing on his arm. Not that much to cry about really.
Oh no...its contagious!
Still I'd rather watch Murray struggle around the court all over again than watch Buffalo Williams do anything on or off the court and that goes for her sister Horse Williams too.
Ok they redefined and dominated the women's game through strength and athleticism and changed tennis fashion by destroying that too. You could throw a crochet blanket over a cow and it'd look the same and some of the awful tripe they're flashed at SW19.
Maybe bad dress sense is a champion type thing, RF hasn't got his clothing line moving off the shelves as silkily as he moves around the baseline.
The women's game is not that interesting, even female tennis players and fans prefer to watch the men's game and not for the same reason we blokes don't mind two grunting russian dolls slugging it out in skimpy white dresses and pink knickers.
'Game, set and match Mr. Ed and Daisy'
The true heroes at Wimbledon over the past fortnight beside the Fed Express was that fella who beat Nadal (forgot his name already..so memorable) and that other Murray...Marray (sorry) and Neilsen. These two chaps had only played three tournaments together, never earned a penny and barely had enough kit to last into the second week.
And yet they overcame all this, beat the best doubles players going around and still their feats are washed away by the Scotsmans tears...we do love a loser after all.
Toodle-pip sportsfans!
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