Monday, 13 February 2012

Harry Redknapp and the Poisoned Chalice

Greetings Armchair Sportsfans!

In the footballing world uncertainity, drama and beauty are a quintessential part of what makes the game so adored across the globe.

In English football these qualities are often left behind in the wake of inevitablity, stupidity and uglyness.

With it being the year of a major international tournament its was only a matter of time before England self-imploded. Normally they wait until the tournament has begun on a wave of expectation which is neither merited nor deserved, this time the FA and Fabio Capello did the job normally reserved for the players themselves.

Let's be honest here and by honest I mean completely biased and self-opininated. Despite his high win percentage record Capello has been an expensive experiment from the FA which has left everyone none the wiser in regards to which direction the national game is heading.

The FA appointed Capello with the view that he was a master tactician, a manager or men, someone able to control the various personalities within the squad. What the FA ended up with was a manager unable to adapt to the changing modern game or english language and eventually who couldn't wait to hit the eject button and jettison as far from Wembley as possible...on his own FA funded private jet no doubt?

Capello says his farewell to the FA

Opinion all around dictates that whoever replaces Capello in the job should be English...a sure fire plan that's worked before right?

Yes Harry Redknapp is the obvious choice to drink from the poison chalice. However the obvious choice is not always the correct one, just ask Keegan, Hoddle and that bloke with the brolly!

'Arry could do no wrong last week as the planets and stars all aligned at once. Reports suggested that the loos at Southwark Crown Court were blocked with nuggets of gold.

Midas touch 'Arry might just be worth a crack but not at the expense of his managerial reputation which as we know with an England side...will.

Spurs would be mad not to put up a huge fight to keep their man and 'Arry must think is it worth swapping his shiny golden squad for England...a turd that cannot be polished!

Oh lord...why me?

So who does that leave us with? The FA has stated they have a shortlist of candidates, which is FA speak for 'after Redknapp we haven't a fucking clue?'

Pardew, O'Neill, Curbishley, Mourino, Hiddink, Pearce??? Whoever the FA end up lumping with must at least be given the time to rebuild not only the team itself but also be able to dispose the inherit thoughts that England are better than they really are...toughest job in the world!

Capello's downfall came to numerous events over his troubled tenure but it was the uglyness of one topic which nailed his coffin shut, a topic which won't go away...racism.

Luis Suarez is a quality footballer, nobody is denying him that. But as a living, breathing human Suarez seems to have dived and writhed his way out of the shallow end of the gene pool.

Few can truly understand the pressures faced by any sports person at the elite level and thus we will often allow for some level of forgivness when they cross the lines of sportsmanship, morality, dignity and stupidity (often all at the same time).

However, we all have limits. Unfortuantely for the Uruguayan many of us followers have seen all we need to see. Remember this is a man with priors; deliberate handball in the World cup, multiple middle finger salutes and racsim. Oh and of course he bit another player...'lovely lad' as Kenny might say.

Sadly this isn't the worst aspect of Suarez's behaviour. Forget his history, the eight match ban, Ronaldo-esq acting, etc. Simply put the lad had the chance to repay his managers, team mates and clubs support by doing his sportsmanlike duty to make things right. But being Luis Suarez...he handled it with the same grace as he does when tackled fairly.

You're off my Christmas card list good sir!

Football will always have aspects that will upset and disappoint, cause anger and frustration. More often than not though it will bring us joy, elation, hope and importantly...perspective.

For this we thank Zambia today. After the week that has passed it felt as though the footballing gods had conspired against us. Only for the twinkling of fate Zambia uplifted us all and with their coach Herve Renard (the most beautiful man in the cosmos) to remind us all of the spirit of the game.

You can't help but smile at a team of players paid less than many of their illustrious opponents, in the same country of the tragic air crash of 1993 and coached by a man wearing jeans and an ill fitted open buttoned shirt.

What do you mean no denim?

With the will of a nation and the unity of the players it served as a timely reminded of how important attributes such as courage and heart can have within all fields of play.

Are you watching David Bernstein?

Goodnight sportsfans!

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