In the beginning (insert your preffered diety here) created (insert whatever fantasy you like here). Luckily somewhere along the line throughout the annuls of time and history sport came to be...thank (said diety..whatever) for that!
Sport creates much for the people whom love it so; moments of agony and elation, drama and boredom, gracefullness and embarressment, adoration and hatred. For the competitors its about greatness and for us mere mortals its sharing the experience that makes the their acheivements an integral part of our lives.
In the early hours of Monday morning (local time) another moment of sporting greatness ended after almost 6 hours of physical, mental and for viewers eye-straining exhaustion. The epic contest between Nojak Djock-itch and Rafa 'butt-scratcher' Nadal reminded all of us how much effort being great takes and why many of us never had a hope of making it in the first place. All the superlatives in sporting parlance have been said and written by others, all I can think of is 'wow'!
Poor old Rafa must have nightmares about Jock-itches face at night. The guy isn't just under Rafa's skin, he's probably the one causing the irritaion in his underwear.
At least they shared what seemed a genuine bro-mance hug after the end of their lastest titanic tusssle. A credit to both men and a huge pay bonus for Novak's fitness coach, back to back 5 set marathons, damn those false promises on the weet-a-bix boxes growing up.
Just in case you missed it (which is understandable) a day earlier one eastern european female tennis player beat another one in less time than my local chinese takes to cook my rather large order. Not only is that worrying for my health but also for womens tennis. I'm not going to drag up the whole prizemoney debate but I can see the following question coming up in a pub quiz in a few years time - 'Who won the Australian Open Women's singles title in 2012?'
The highlight of womens draw this year was the match between Lisicki & Sharapova earlier in the tournament. Not only a good quality match but also bordering on softcore pornography!
Our attention was drawn to the romance of the F.A cup over the weekend with 2 high profile, no love lost matches on Saturday lunchtime which as always didn't live up to the hype.
No doubt the pillock who sent the bullet in the post to QPR during believes it was able to help his team out even if he hasn't grasped the concept of how gunpower and mechanics work. Still he probably did more than El Nino who continues to looks about as dangerous as a patch of light drizzle. He and the lanky pony-tail Carroll continue to play their own gamse of 'hide-the-talent' and 'guess who (can be a bigger finacial burden)'.
At least there is still some romance left in little Crawley Town whom keep punching above their respective weight and division. Lower league teams are not too fond of Steve Evans' team, almost a mini-Man city with generous cash backers assisting their rise up the ranks. But whatever your feelings might be if Evans can keep his team level headed with a home time against Stoke (with EPL and Euro League on their fixture list) they could surprise and few and that'd be fine by me.
'I'm coming for you Mr. Pulis'
In other amusing sprots news (amusing to me anyway) England's #1 cricket team showed they can be as reliable as David DeGea in Manchester United's goal. They handled Pakistans spin attack as if grenandes were being lobbed their way, much like Senor DeGea handles everything or nothing as the case may be?
Could you imagine being a cleaner in DeGea's house?
And finally, transfer deadline day approaches and a full list of EPL mid-week fixtures. Will Tevez find a new bench to warm his ego? Will 'Arry continue his Del Boy impersonation and pull another Van Der Vaart out of the hat trick? Will Wenger buy anyone...or admit he even needs to?
Goodnight sportsfans!